Welcome to a golf course that has evolved a lot over the past year & is constantly improving! It is a path with forest and park character, a lot of water obstacles as well as Dömleån that meanders throughout the course. A real nature experience through the river and the lake view over Lake Smårissjön that you get both on the first two holes and then again at holes 11 and 12.
Restrictions: Offer valid with Golfamore Card: 50% off the greenfee for single player. Valid all days of the week. Valid once per year. Golfamore Card is now included in your Open Fairways membership.
Dömle 1, 66991 59.599289 13.421012
Members get at ForshagaDeje GK (Golfamore Card Offer) with Open Fairways. 2 ball saving 50% off single gf every time you play!