Romeleåsens Golfklubb - one of Skåne's most beautiful golf courses with breathtaking miles of views. The nature of the course is a park and forest course that challenges the elite player as well as the exercise player. The golf course is built on the slopes of Romeleås and the hilly and upland terrain offers wonderful views from some of the rash or green areas.
Restrictions: Offer valid with Golfamore Card: 50% off the greenfee for single player. Valid all days of the week. Valid once per year. Golfamore Card is now included in your Open Fairways membership.
Kvarnbrodda 1191, 24796 55.593964 13.519235
Members get at Romeleåsens GK (Golfamore Card Offer) with Open Fairways. 2 ball saving 50% off single gf every time you play!