Spring is only a few weeks away so dust of the cobwebbs at Karlshamns GolfKlubb in Sweden
20 February 2018

Just one of the beautiful course available to play is KarlshamnsGolfKlubb in Karlshamn Sweden. It's a great way to check out your golf swing this year. Remember the more golf you play the more money you save with Open Fairways.
Karlshamns Golfklubb has two courses situated in Morrum, close to the famous salmon river Morruman. The old course is from 1965 and the architect is a Scotsman Douglas Braisier. The new course was opened 2003 and has a famous Swedish architect Jan Sederholm. The old course has wide fairways and is very beautiful surrounded with beech and pine wood. The new course is more narrow and great big challenge!